Sunday, February 16, 2014

Karl Marx

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist who is most famous for his theory called Marxian Socialism, better known as communism. Marx agreed with many of the basic tenets of socialism, but disagreed with the main idea that the rich would help the poor in a socialistic society. Marx believed in his form of socialism that the interests of the middle class and those of the industrial working class were always opposed to each other. Marx in his studies predicted that the poor working class would inevitably revolt against the upper class with violence, and a new, classless regime would be put in place. Everything would be owned by the government, and everyone would be given what they needed to survive by the government. He based his theory on George Hegel's dialectic process of humanity, only instead of endlessly repeating the cycle would end with the classless government. Marx believed in the power of the workers, and believed that profits were just stolen wages. He urged the working class to unite for they had nothing to lose but the chains that bound them. Marx was important to this time period as he offered a new way of thinking to oppose the socialist and liberal economic thinkers, and was a huge supporter of the working class. The people of this class rallied around his ideas, and became stronger and more united thanks to his radical ideas.

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