Saturday, February 15, 2014

James Watt (Ch. 21)

James Watt (1736-1819)

Born in Scotland in 1736, James Watt would become an incredibly famous figure in the world of energy and mechanical engineering. While he was studying at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, he was called upon to work on a Newcomer steam engine. After studying it for a bit of time, he realized the engine could become much more efficient if a separate condenser was added, and Watt made this device himself and it greatly improved the efficiency of the steam engine. Watt would partner with Matthew Boulton in 1775 to industrialize his invention, and he would become extremely successful. His steam engine would be used throughout Europe for many things, including the powerful new locomotives that would cross the continent. He is important to the Industrial Revolution as his steam engine provided man with an almost unlimited power to use for creating and developing new things. His innovation was seen as one of the greatest in all of human history, and he is seen as one of the most influential men in his field and throughout human history.

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