Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chapter 25 Self Reflection

I thought this chapter was one of the most interesting chapters we have discussed all year. I have always been interested in imperialism and how empires grow, along with how Europeans would colonize most of Africa and Asia. I have always found it strange to see a video of an Indian with a British accent as I didn't understand why they spoke that way. I now know that it is because of the English occupation for so many years that many people now speak English as their native tongue because of the teaching of the British and their obligation to the "white man's burden". Along with that, I found it very interesting to see how China and Japan would be opened up to the outside world at this time, as prior to this point they were both lands of mystique and mystery, and within a short time period they both would be opened up for the entire world to see. Finally, the colonization of Africa was one of the most interesting things I have ever learned about in general. After reading The Heart of Darkness last year I wondered why it was a Belgian steamboat that Marlow rode down the Congo on, and now I see why with Leopold II's harsh rule over the area. I also found it interesting to read how South Africa became led by the Apartheid, as I had always wondered how such a small minority of white men could take over such a large area of Africa. Overall, I really enjoyed reading and learning this chapter, and it truly does show how this era would lead straight into World War I.

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